Well, maybe you do.

The point is, I don't know. And you probably don't either. Yet here we are, poring over a list of criteria for a ready-to-build .com that needs only a designer’s eye and a developer’s touch. But let’s pause a moment, because I need to ask you something: why?

Imagine you wake up one morning feeling miserable. Headache, congested, feverish. You haul yourself out of bed, drive to the doctor, and confidently (if not feebly) tell her, “I need an antibiotic.”

Here’s the catch though—the doctor’s concerned that what you have won’t respond to antibiotics. She’s had several patients in the last few weeks showing similar symptoms, but the diagnoses occasionally come back viral. Antibiotics may not do anything. In fact, they could make you worse.

But in truth, she doesn’t know for sure. She needs to do some tests.

Now, you have two options. One, agree to a round of pokes and prods to find out why you’re feeling ill. Two, circle back to the antibiotics.

How you choose comes down to one critical question: “Do you want to know what the problem is before or after beginning treatment?”

You may need a new website. But I don’t know. And you don’t either. Yet.